'In a land that never was and a time that could never be, a boy stared into the eyes of a fantastical creature. Around them, a magical forest; in front of them, a magical journey. 'The Turning Forest' is a real-time CG VR experience for people young and old— inviting audiences into a magical space of imagination, where rustling leaves are also the footsteps of something familiar, yet strange. In this place things are not quite what they seem.'
Role Lead 3D Artist, work from existing concept art, Poster, Trailer, Store Art Links Download The Turning Forest (Daydream) Download The Turning Forest (Gear VR) Concept Art by James Gilleard VRTOV Project Page Tribeca Film Festival Project Page MIFF Project Page BBC-R&D: Project Development BBC-Click: Binaural Sound featuring The Turning Forest BBC-R&D: Project Announcement Created With Exhibitions
'Among the pieces I experienced, Oscar Raby’s The Turning Forest was perhaps the one that convinced me VR will radically transform entertainment-based animation. Turning Forest drops you into the middle of a mystical forest, and shortly thereafter, the viewer comes face to face with a friendly beast. There is not much complex interaction with the beast, yet the experience is absolutely exhilarating, especially during one scene where the viewer gets on the beast’s back.' - Cartoon Brew |